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NewsNews - 15 Jan 2018

Vacancy – Assistant Manager, Connect Fund

Are you a professional and experienced manager with a good grasp of social investment and social sector infrastructure?  We are looking for an Assistant Manager to help deliver the Connect Fund programme across England. The Assistant Manager will be responsible for helping to develop and manage the programme, with the aim of strengthening and diversifying the social investment infrastructure sector to include new entrants, particularly beyond London. The Trust was selected by the Access Foundation for Social Investment to run this new infrastructure fund in 2016.

The Assistant Manager will be comfortable with an outward-facing promotional role. They will have a good grasp of the social investment ‘landscape’ and familiarity with social sector infrastructure as well as having experience of managing budgets or funds alongside grant and/or investment assessment and management skills. Key to our vision is the development of a collaborative community of infrastructure organisations working within a social justice framework, which means that excellent interpersonal and development skills will be needed, alongside a personal commitment to the promotion of social justice and equality.

This is an exciting time for social investment, as the sector grows and matures. We, the Access Foundation and the wider sector see the Connect Fund as having a critical role in broadening access to this form of funding.

Deadline for applications 5 p.m. Monday 12 February.  Interviews Tuesday 27 February.

Find out more about the post, about the Connect Fund and Barrow Cadbury Trust, and how to apply.