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MigrationNews - 19 Jan 2015

British Future publishes its annual State of the Nation report

This is the fourth State of the Nation report from British Future.   Every year in January the State of the Nation report looks ahead to the events and issues which will be dominating British conversations on integration and immigration, identity and opportunity.


2015 is British Future’s first General Election year, when both politicians and citizens will be debating issues of identity and immigration, as part of the democratic process of choosing who governs and will be representing us in the next Parliament.   A non-partisan and independent organisation, British Future doesn’t advocate for any political party.  Rather the State of the Nation 2015 report looks at why the way that people think and often disagree about identity, immigration, integration and opportunity will present challenges for all voices, across the political spectrum.  The report therefore looks to capture how those who seek to represent us, from whatever perspective, might engage constructively with people’s hopes and fears about what these issues mean in a changing society. Download the report .