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Criminal JusticeNews - 19 Mar 2014

New resources for Police and Crime Commissioners published

Today, T2A Alliance member, Revolving Doors Agency, is publishing two new ‘checklists’ for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), focusing on how PCCs can improve responses to young adults and people facing multiple and complex needs in contact with the criminal justice system.  These short briefings build on the 2013 report First Generation: One Year On, supported by the Barrow Cadbury Trust as part of its Transition to Adulthood (T2A) programme. These reports produce a series of recommendations based on research and experience of effective solutions, and on examples of good practice from PCCs across the country. The checklist on young adults produced on behalf of the T2A Alliance, Improving Responses to Young Adults, presents a checklist with suggestions as to how PCCs should:

  • Include specific provision for young adults in local diversion and crime prevention strategies
  • Work with partners to reduce young adult reoffending
  • Champion improved policing of young adults and
  • Engage with young adults.

A broader checklist briefing ‘The Revolving Doors Checklist – how police and crime commissioners can improve responses to offenders with multiple and complex needs’, suggests how PCCs can improve responses to the ‘revolving door’ population by:

  • Reducing demand on frontline police through effective diversion strategies
  • Helping to tackle ‘revolving door’ offending
  • Involving people with direct experience of the problem and
  • Adopting a ‘whole system’ partnership approach to tackling multiple and complex needs locally.

It is hoped that these checklists will provide a useful resource for PCCs as they continue to review their strategies and implement their commitments around reducing crime and tackling repeat offending.