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Hot TopicsNews - 25 Jun 2014

New one stop shop launched for assessing impact practice

Two online tools to support charities, funders and social enterprises to know what to measure and how, and improve the way they plan, communicate and learn from the difference they make, have been launched.


Measuring Up! Is a step-by-step online self assessment tool which takes organisations through each stage of monitoring and evaluating for impact.  It will help organisations understand what they are doing well and where they need support.


The Inspiring Impact Hub is a one stop shop for impact resources and tools, designed so that charities,  funders, and social enterprises can find the resources they need to improve their practice, pulling together the widest possible range of resources relevant, and enabling users to search and filter results according to their needs.


How can it help?

Measuring Up! Gives you an accurate and detailed picture of where your impact practice is going well, and where it could be improved.  Completing the self-assessment will generate a report outlining your strengths and weaknesses across each area.  You can then download an action plan and search for resources and tools through the Inspiring Impact Hub to help your organisation improve.


Developed with input from resource providers, funders, impact specialists and frontline deliverers, the Hub provides listings of impact resources.


How does it work?


  • Assess your impact practice using the guidance provided explaining each of the indicators across four sections: plan, do, assess, review
  • Map the gaps using the automated report generated on completion
  • Use action plan to improve using the resources signposted in the guidance
  • Track your improvement by revising the tool periodically.

Users can access the Hub for free and find resources by clicking on the relevant check boxes to filter by category, sector, format or cost profiles and/or entering keywords, individual resource names or features in the search box.  You can register to leave comments, make feature requests and add resources, while providers can generate and maintain their own listings, access notifications of reviews and requests, and monitor statistics and site activity.


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