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NewsNews - 28 Mar 2013

Constancy and Change

Last week was exciting, because we launched a new publication, ‘A History of the Barrow Cadbury Trust: Constancy and Change in Quaker Philanthropy’, a fascinating history charting the Trust’s work since 1920. While last week we spent some time thinking about the past, this week we are looking to the future – and launching Voices, our new blog.


You can find out a bit more about why we’re launching a new blog platform here. I think it’s fair to say that while our new publication illustrates how the Trust has retained constancy of purpose, this blog represents part of the Trust’s willingness to embrace change in the tools we use to communicate.


If you don’t already do so, you can also follow the Trust on Twitter @BarrowCadbury.


Paul Evans is Communications Manager at the Barrow Cadbury Trust.