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MigrationNews - 5 Jul 2013

British Future launches report marking NHS at 65

British Future, the independent non-partisan think tank which works to explores issues of identity, integration, migration and opportunity, has released a special briefing marking the 65th birthday of the National Health Service.


Among the key finds of polling commissioned for the report are that nearly three-quarters of people who expressed a preference believe that the NHS would not survive in its current form without the work of doctors and nurses coming from abroad. The poll, conducted by ICM, also found that almost eight out of ten people felt that the NHS is a good example of how the integration of immigrants is positive for Britain.


Commenting on the findings, British Future Director Sunder Katwala said: “What these figures show is that people really value the skills and hard work that people from overseas bring to our NHS. British people recognise that the NHS simply wouldn’t function without the doctors, nurses, porters and pharmacists who come thousands of miles to work here.


The report also finds high levels of support for the creation of a new Health Service Medal as part of the Honours List, to recognise and celebrate exceptional service in the NHS.


You can read British Future’s NHS at 65 Birthday Briefing in full here.