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Complaints and whistleblowing


Barrow Cadbury Trust strives at all times to be accessible, responsive and professional. If you have a complaint about the Trust or its work, in the first instance please contact the member of staff concerned who will usually be able to resolve it or will refer you on to someone who can. If your complaint is not resolved through that route, please email the Chief Executive via She will acknowledge your concern within five working days and aim to resolve it as quickly as possible, within three weeks at the latest. If you remain unhappy you should write to the Chair of the Trust, at the same address, who will respond within a month.


The Barrow Cadbury Trust is committed to maintaining the highest ethical and legal standards and want our staff to have an open, transparent and safe place to work. We take malpractice seriously and are committed to protecting and supporting colleagues ability to raise concerns so that issues can be escalated and dealt with effectively. In line with those commitments, we encourage staff, in the first instance, to raise concerns about any form of malpractice with their line manager or, if the matter is extremely serious or involves their line manager, with the Chief Executive. If the matter cannot be discussed with these people, it should be raised with the Chair of the Board of Trustees.

Our policy is that staff should be able to raise matters of concern confidentially. The Trust will do its best to protect the identity of anyone who makes a disclosure after following its Whistleblowing policy. However, there may be circumstances in which because of the nature of the investigation or disclosure, it will be necessary to disclose the identity of the complainant but this will be discussed with them in advance. The Trust is committed to ensuring individual are able to raise genuine concerns in good faith without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination or disadvantage, even if they turn out to be mistaken.