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About us

Barrow Cadbury Trust is an independent, endowed charitable foundation. We have been focusing on social justice and equality issues for more than 100 years, celebrating our centenary in 2020. Our endowment produces an income which we use to fund our work and that of our partners.

We have also deployed the funds of other organisations for our social justice mission, such as Access Foundation (social investment infrastructure), National Lottery Community Fund (Covid-19 related needs in the migration sector 2020/2021) and a group of foundations who club together to pay for us to run Fair by Design – the advocacy programme focusing on ending the Poverty Premium.

Find out more about how Barrow Cadbury Trust works

Our founders and Quakerism

Our Quaker founders, Barrow and Geraldine Cadbury, worked throughout their lives for greater social justice. Our commitment to bringing about a more just and equal society carries on that tradition. Building on that Quaker heritage we seek long-term solutions by addressing the root causes of inequality.

Policy and Partnership Working

The root causes of inequality are complex so we often collaborate with partners, other trusts and foundations, local and national government, to identify solutions. The work is often long term; we rarely work on issues for less than 10-15 years.

We focus on a small number of specific policy areas and try to influence them by: building or supporting alliances and ecosystems, building an evidence base advocating for change, ensuring the voices of people affected by social injustices are listened to and heard both by us and by those in positions of power. Much of our work is directed towards change at the national level, usually England and Wales, but our economic justice programme is currently focused on Birmingham and the surrounding area.

Our  vision, mission and valuesand four cross-cutting themes underpin our work.