Social Investment Portfolio
Organisation | Amount committed | Term | Description of Investment |
Bristol Together CIC | £45,000 £100,000 | Loan – 5 years Equity | Equity investment and loan to provide capital for buying and refurbishment of properties, to give work and training opportunities for ex-offenders in Bristol. |
Charity Bank | £750,000 | Equity | Equity investment in Charity Bank, which makes loans to charities and social enterprises, to support the growth and development of the bank. |
Community Channel (trading as Together TV) | £50,000 | Community shares | Investment in Community Channel, a Community Benefit Society, which publicises the work of community groups and the voluntary sector on television and online. This funding enabled it to expand and develop its activities and reach a wider audience. |
Ethex | £40,000 | Loan – 10 years | Loan to Ethex, an internet-based social investment club to facilitate information on, and trading of, social investments |
Fair by Design Venture Fund | £250,000 | Limited Partner – 10 years | £20 million fund which invests in a range of early stage social enterprises and companies addressing the poverty premium. The Fund sits alongside the Fair By Design campaign, run by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, which will use evidence from the Fund, plus other research, to inform its policy and advocacy work. 10 year investment as a Limited Partner. |
Fair For You | £250,000 | Bond – Perpetual | Funding to provide affordable credit for people on low incomes to buy household goods. |
Five Lamps Trading | £250,000 | Loan – 5 years | Five Lamps is an established charity with a track record of supporting financial inclusion in north east England. The loan will allow it to grow its lending activities both in the North East and on a more national level. |
The Foundry | £500,000 | Equity | Equity investment in the Foundry which provides meeting and office space for social justice organisations. |
Growth Impact Fund | £250,000 | Limited Partner – evergreen | Limited partnership investment in a fund that supports organisations with a social purpose focussed on tackling inequality with diverse representation at board and leadership level. |
Key Fund Investments Ltd – Northern Impact Fund 2 | £250,000 | Loan – 7 years | Loans to community and social enterprises in disadvantaged areas in the Midlands and North of England, enabling them to develop their trading activities. |
Lightning Social Ventures Ltd (t/a Lightning Reach) | £100,000 | Equity | Equity investment in a financial support portal which connects people in financial hardship to a range of support quickly and securely. |
Micro Rainbow CIC | £250,000 | Loan – 12 years | Loan to support the purchase of properties to provide safe housing for LGBTI asylum seekers. |
Redemption Roasters | £150,000 | Equity | Equity investment in a coffee chain which trains prison leavers and people at risk of offending with the skills they need to gain secure and meaningful employment. |
Refuaid | £100,000 | Loan – 6 years | Loan to fund Refuaid’s Equal Access Loan Programme which provides interest-free loans to people with UK refugee status who are unable to pay for the cost of completing the licensing or training needed to work in their professional field in the UK. |
Resonance Supported Homes Fund | £250,000 | Limited Partner – 20 years | Investment in a fund which provides specialised supported housing for people with learning disabilities. |
Social and Sustainable Housing LP | £250,000 | Limited Partner – 13 years | Investment in a housing fund which provides small and medium sized charities and social enterprises with a 10 year loan to purchase and manage a portfolio of properties of their choice. |
Social Venture Fund II | Euro 290,000 | Limited Partner – 10 years | An investment, as a Limited Partner, in the Germany-based fund to provide capital for social enterprises throughout Europe. |
Triodos Bank UK Ltd | £250,000 | Bond – 10 years | Bond, which qualifies as regulatory capital, to enable Triodos to grow lending and to support social, environmental and cultural organisations. |
Women in Safe Homes Fund | £250,000 | Limited Partner – 10 years | Investment in housing fund which will acquire, refurbish and develop housing units for lease to women’s support organisations |
FairTax Foundation | £100,000 | Community Shares | Through its Fair Tax Mark accreditation scheme, Fair Tax Foundation seeks to encourage and recognise businesses that pay the right amount of corporate income tax at the right time and in the right place. |
Clink Charity | £250,000 | Loan – 6 years | Loan to support the fit out of a second events training and delivery kitchen – the first outside a prison. |