Magistrates Association publish new report on maturity in the magistrates’ court
The Magistrates Association has published a new report on how the issue of maturity is currently handled within magistrates’ courts. Based…
LGBT+ People in Prison – Experiences in England and Scotland
A new report launched today by Fernando Lannes Fernandes, Rebecca Kaufmann, and Karen Kaufmann at University of Dundee, on LGBT+…
Forty funders commit to be more open and trusting
Over 40 funders have signed a pledge for open and trusting grant-making, committing to be #FlexibleFunders for the organisations they…
T2A welcomes Justice Select Committee report on Children and Young People in Custody (part 2)
Joyce Moseley Chair of the Transition to Adulthood (T2A) Alliance welcomes the Justice Select Committee’s report on Children and Young…
"Root and branch" Home Office reform needed says IPPR report
In a new report released today IPPR sets out a blueprint for preventing a repeat of the Windrush scandal and…
The State of Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country 2021
The second 'State of Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country', authored by the New Policy Institute and supported…
Shifting the Balance: new relationships between councils and communities
The pandemic response transformed relationships between councils and communities. In the heat of the crisis, behaviours and mindsets changed dramatically as professionals…
Inclusive Design: Two new practical guides for firms and regulators launch today
Fair By Design and the Money Advice Trust have today launched two new practical guides for regulators and firms on how to embed inclusive design in policy…
T2A responds to HM Inspectorate of Prisons' Thematic report on Outcomes for Young Adult Prisoners
EMBARGOED UNTIL 00:01, WEDNESDAY 20 JANUARY 2021 T2A (Transition to Adulthood) welcomes the publication of this important report which makes it clear…
Barrow Cadbury Trust and Esmee Fairbairn Foundation support Refuaid's loans for refugee re-training
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Barrow Cadbury Trust have respectively made a £200,000 and £100,000 six year, interest free loan, to…
Celebrate citizenship and remove barriers to becoming British says British Future report
The UK should take a more positive and welcoming approach to citizenship, with Brexit presenting an opportunity for a major…
First grants for new initiative to create a fairer and more accessible UK immigration system
Justice Together – a new initiative aiming to create a fairer and more accessible UK immigration system – has opened…
Fintech – customer-focused innovation or dangerous corporate power grab?
A Major new report from the Finance Innovation Lab reveals a clear need for change of direction in financial technology,…
How charities have reacted to COVID-19 – the latest instalment of State of the Sector 2020
NPC (New Philanthropy Capital) has been speaking to charities through interviews, focus groups and via an online survey of the…
Low income consumers pay a poverty premium equivalent to three months' worth of food
People struggling with money are paying an extra £478 for essentials like energy, credit and insurance because of the poverty…