Voices blogs
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Evaluating the Newham youth to adulthood (Y2A) probation Hub – making the case for specialist services for young adults
The process evaluation of the Newham youth to adulthood hub recommends this model, based on T2A evidence of what works for young adults.
After the Awards …
Jessica Kennedy of the Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum celebrates the legacy of the Women on the Move Awards On…
Birmingham launches national network to tackle social exclusion
Richard Browne, Partnership Manager at Birmingham City Council, writes about the launch of the National Social Inclusion Declaration As…
Why Roma provide an opportunity for UK cities
Andy Shallice from the Roma Support Group writes about what we can all learn from Roma It’s a commonplace…
Innovations in criminal justice
Anton Shelupanov talks about StreetCraft, the Centre for Justice Innovation's new book, and StreetCraft Scholarships On 19 February in a…
Campaigning for the post-educational needs of young people with severe learning disabilities
Julie Jamieson, winner of the SMK Social & Economic Justice Award 2013 talks about how she plans to bring the Post…
Is offending behaviour linked to brain injury?
Deborah Fortescue of the Disabilities Trust Foundation writes about the ‘silent epidemic’ of brain injury. It is estimated brain…
Sharing the story of everyone’s human rights, every day
The Equally Ours Campaigns highlights the importance of human rights to all members of society. Emma Hutton, Programme Director at Equally Ours,…
Simple banking solutions and serious personal debt
Following the release of two reports on banking and personal debt, Resources and Resilience Programme Manager Clare Payne explores their…
Low pay and need for the living wage
Following the recent living wage increase, Communications Officer Sapphire Mason-Brown looks at the prevalence of low pay and the advantages…
Fuel poverty and corporate greed
In this cross-post from Birmingham Settlement, Chief Executive Martin Holcome gives his personal take on rising energy costs and how…
Young Adult Offenders – Time to Reverse Years of Neglect
Today, the Transition to Adulthood Alliance publishes a new report examining how prisons currently meet, or rather fail to meet,…
Let's end racism this generation
Rob Berkley, Director of the Runnymede Trust, explains why they are working to end racism this generation. Over the last…
In Search of the Innovators
Phil Bowen, Director of the Centre for Justice Innovation, seeks out those prepared to think more deeply about the purpose…
Utilising the arts for gang intervention
Wolverhampton-based Engage Youth Empowerment Service (E.Y.E.S) is a grassroots gang intervention programme that engages with both gang members and those…
Cleaning up the Wren’s Nest
Owen Jones of HOPE not hate, a group which campaigns against right-wing extremism, explains why keeping community spaces clean can…