Voices blogs
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Join us to imagine, strategise and build an economically just Birmingham, together.
Evaluating the Newham youth to adulthood (Y2A) probation Hub – making the case for specialist services for young adults
The process evaluation of the Newham youth to adulthood hub recommends this model, based on T2A evidence of what works for young adults.
Birmingham changemakers complete year long journey to discover how to to reimagine, rebalance, and transform the economy
“I’m less scared to discuss the economy in Birmingham and the local area.” Fiona “Brilliant facilitation and complex ideas delivered…
Launching the Economic Justice Action Network
Individuals and communities in Birmingham are coalescing around the theme of economic justice and seeking to build a local economy…
The State of Policing
We are very pleased to cross-post this introductory blog by Action for Race Equality's new Head of Policy, Meka Beresford. …
Social Investment By Design. Challenging power with participation in the social investment market
This blog has been cross-posted from the Connect Fund website. The author, Ruby Frankland, is the Connect Fund Manager at the…
What's changed five years after the Lammy Review?
This blog was originally written for T2A (Transition to Adulthood) by Chair, Leroy Logan MBE. He reflects on the lack…
Young adults and parole
This blog, by Rob Allen and Dr Laura Janes, was written for Russell Webster to coincide with the launch of their…
Rethinking rehabilitation for young adults in the criminal justice system
T2A Chair, Leroy Logan, blogs about the relevance and importance of Spark Inside's new report, Being Well, Being Equal. This…
Criminal justice sector hails long-awaited delivery plan for Government's 2018 women's offending strategy
Doctor Kate Paradine @klparadine consultant and former CEO of Women in Prison, shares her thoughts on the recently published delivery…
Do you want to be part of the change needed to get more Black Asian and minoritised leaders in the criminal justice voluntary, community and enterprise sector?
Barrow Cadbury Trust and Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales are looking for expressions of interest from organisations keen…
Shift Birmingham participants begin a journey together to understand and reimagine the city’s economy
“I want the words and language to argue for change!” “I’d like the community I work in to know how…
Maturity matters – does the Inclusive Britain report make the case for young adults to move up the criminal justice policy agenda?
In his first blog for T2A Leroy Logan MBE explains why the Inclusive Britain report is getting some things right…
Will levelling up be "a moral, social and economic programme for the whole of government”?
Debbie Pippard reflects on the Levelling Up White Paper and what it might mean for regional and in-region inequalities Following…
Change is urgent: A year of open and trusting grant-making
Barrow Cadbury Trust is one of the trust and foundations which signed up to IVAR's Open and Trusting Grantmaker initiative…
Strengthening Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the UK Social Investment Sector
As part of the Connect Fund evaluation, Niamh Goggin, our Evaluation and Learning Partner, looks back at five projects funded…
Racial justice funding – funders making change
This blog, written by Debbie Pippard, Director of Programmes at BCT, was originally posted in Equally Ours on 3 December…