Voices blogs
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Join us to imagine, strategise and build an economically just Birmingham, together.
Evaluating the Newham youth to adulthood (Y2A) probation Hub – making the case for specialist services for young adults
The process evaluation of the Newham youth to adulthood hub recommends this model, based on T2A evidence of what works for young adults.
All change at Fair by Design
After a year at the helm Lucie Russell, Fair by Design's director, has left the campaign to take up a…
It’s time to reset the sails on corporate practice and put good quality jobs at the helm
68 CEOs in the FTSE 100 earn more than 100 times the average UK worker’s salary, while almost four…
The first two years – Connect Fund's Jessica Brown reflects on progress so far
The Connect Fund was created to build a better social investment market in England. A partnership between the Barrow Cadbury…
The Poverty Premium: how would you feel?
The blog below was initially posted on the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on Poverty website. It's written by Alicia…
Why should energy cost more if you're in social housing?
The following blog was written by Fair by Design's Director, Lucie Russell for the APPG on Poverty. It highlights how…
Too little, too late? Contingency planning for UK nationals in case of a no deal Brexit
Meghan Benton and Aliyyah Ahad at Migration Policy Institute outline the possible outcomes of a No Deal Brexit for UK…
Five ways my foundation uses data… and a note to self
A blog by Debbie Pippard, Director of Programmes, Barrow Cadbury Trust. Originally written for 360 Giving http://www.threesixtygiving.org/ I’ve always thought of myself as…
FCA proposed curbs on the rent to own sector – Fair for You responds
The following blog was initially posted on LinkedIn in response to news of controls on the rent to own sector…
Keeping an eye on financial inclusion
Carl Packman, Head of Corporate Engagement for Fair by Design’s poverty premium movement, looks at the scale of financial inclusion…
Why do we need a Community Wealth Fund?
Dan Gregory describes how a Community Wealth Fund backed by an alliance of 'social sector' organisations could support the…
Fair By Design: Ending The Poverty Premium (Guest Blog)
Imagine a situation where you work all the hours you can get in a job that doesn’t pay well…
How did Migrants Organise become a community sponsor for refugee resettlement?
Zrinka Bralo, chief executive of Migrants Organise, writes about the journey to becoming a community sponsor Recently Migrants Organise received the exciting…
Can pension fund investments be ‘localised’?
There’s great interest in local government pension scheme (LGPS) pools investing in infrastructure, but also an enthusiasm to see the…
Sharing prosperity in the West Midlands
Localise West Midlands (LWM)has just become part of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). The blog post below by LWM's…
Integration from a Canadian perspective
"I have always maintained that whilst immigration is a global and national phenomena, integration is a uniquely local experience." Senator…