Hot TopicsNews - 3 Mar 2016
Ariadne 2016 forecast looks at the future for funders and philanthropists
Ariadne is a European peer-to-peer network of more than 500 funders and philanthropists who support social change and human rights. Ariadne helps those using private resources for public good achieve more together than they can alone by linking them to other funders and providing practical tools of support.
Ariadne has launched a new forecast which aims to help grant makers and civil society to discover trends and forward plan. The forecast was put together with input from over 140 grant-makers and philanthropy experts.
Social change grant-makers say that the top issues shaping their world this year include migration and the closing space for Civil Society – this forecast explains why. Forecasters focus on what we need to watch out for and what questions we should be asking such as: How are funders adapting to blended finances and austerity? Who are the emerging stakeholders in the field, and what wildcards might be lurking?