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Hot TopicsNews - 1 Apr 2021

Barrow Cadbury Trust response to the Government’s #RaceReport

Barrow Cadbury Trust has a long history of funding racial justice work. We know from the policy areas in which we work – such as economic justice, criminal justice and migration – that the world is still far from fair and equal, and that people from many minoritised communities have their life chances reduced both because of social attitudes and failure of institutions to address their own unequal process and yes – in many instances – structural racism.

This is not to discount progress that has been made over the past half-century, but there is still much to be done. People from minoritised communities are grossly over-represented in our prisons and police cells. They are twice as likely to be living in poverty as their White neighbours. The Windrush scandal highlighted the terrible consequences of a policy that deliberately set out to make the UK a hostile place for some communities.

The events of the last few years including the increase in hate crime that followed the Brexit vote, the Black Lives Matter movement and the disproportionate impact of COVID on many communities have reaffirmed our commitment to continuing and deepening our work on racial justice. We stand beside our partners and others in combatting racism and racial injustice wherever it occurs.