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NewsNews - 24 May 2017

Charities taking charge: Transforming to face a changing world

Austerity and rising demand, recent governance and fundraising scandals, as well as technological advancements are just a few of the many factors currently adding stress to the charity sector according to New Philanthropy Capital (NPC )  research ‘Charities taking charge: Transforming to face a changing world’ launched todaythe second report in their State of the Sector programme.

The report is the culmination of a 6-month process that has involved in-depth interviews, roundtable discussions and a survey of 300 charity chief executives and trustees. Overall, around 400 charity leaders have been involved in identifying innovations and new approaches to overcome the challenges facing the sector, on themes such as trust, governance, digital, and the changing role of the state. The results from the survey demonstrate how the sector, more broadly, is transforming to face the modern world.

This programme of research is aimed at supporting charities to adapt to deliver greater impact in a changing world. The research is supported by PwC, Barrow Cadbury Trust, Ecclesiastical, Odgers Berndtson, and Cripplegate Foundation.

The report finds that those charities at the forefront of the sector are taking charge of the things that are in their power to change, focusing on achieving their mission in new and creative ways by:

Establishing an impact-focused strategy that has a clear focus on an organisation’s key mission and offers a way to prioritise. Putting mission first enables them to take a more networked approach, working with others to create a greater collective impact.

Building strong governance and leadership which embraces risk, supports collaboration and draws on a diversity of backgrounds and skills to unlock innovative thinking and good decision making

Taking new approaches to existing relationships rethinking and redefining the dynamic with both the state and the public.

Harnessing new networks and resources including technology, new partnerships and models of doing business, and new ways of relating to communities and beneficiaries.

Read the executive summary and full report here.