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Hot TopicsNews - 15 Feb 2016

Citizens’ Commission on Islam, Participation and Public Life

Citizens UK launched the Citizens’ Commission on Islam, Participation & Public Life in September 2015, and will be holding public hearings across the UK starting in the Spring.  It’s current experience is that Muslim leaders are retreating from public life, fearful of being labelled as extremist simply for having faith, with groups who work with prominent Islamic institutions also coming under fire.  This Commission, chaired by Dominic Grieve QC MP, will bring together 20 Commissioners – drawn from a wide cross section of British society – to consider how the Muslim community could better engage and participate in public life.  Citizens UK believes that the duties and obligations placed upon all citizens, private and public institutions and the instruments of the state must be based on the two fundamental principles of a democratic society; equal participation and self-determination. These themes are explored in more detail on the Citizens UK website.


The Commission will tour the UK and hold hearings in a number of towns and cities, including Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, London, Sheffield and Leicester, to hear testimony as well as evidence from communities, business, education and government bodies.  The Commission is keen to hear from the community institutions (Muslim and Non-Muslim) that make up the fabric of society.  The hearings will be followed by opportunities for the Commissioners, chaired by Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP to ask questions and engage with those presenting in more depth.


The first hearing will be held on Saturday 23 April 2016 between 9am and 2pm in Birmingham at the Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BB.  Sign up to the free event.  Written submissions are also encouraged.  Find out more.


Follow the Commission on Twitter @CUKPubliclife.