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Hot TopicsNews - 22 Jan 2018

Fair by Design Campaign Manager vacancy

Currently people in poverty pay a premium for goods and services such as insurance, energy, and loans.  Our new Fair by Design (FBD) Campaign has a bold ambition to remove this ‘poverty premium’ in a decade, and we are looking for a Campaign Manager to work with the Campaign’s Director to achieve this, working in close collaboration with the Fair By Design Venture Fund.  FBD is split into two strands that tackle the issue from different perspectives and together we hope will achieve the mission: the Campaign (formerly known as the Fair by Design Change Programme) and the Venture Fund.

Key roles of the Campaign Manager post will be developing and maintaining partnerships with key anti-poverty premium stakeholders, regulators, think tanks, academic institutions, and corporate sector providers of goods and services which carry a poverty premium as well as people with personal experience of poverty and the poverty premium, commissioning, managing and sourcing research or other pieces of related work, acting as a focal point for dissemination of information around the Campaign, providing policy advice and communications support and using strategic communications to raise the profile of the campaign.

How to apply, Q and As about the vacancy

Deadline for applications 1 p.m. Wednesday 14 February, Interviews Monday 26 February.