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Hot TopicsNews - 17 Jul 2015

Gender inequality is still a part of every day UK life according to new report

The Young Foundation has published a major new report ‘Unequal Nation – the case for social innovation to work for a gender equal future’. The report presents overwhelming research evidence that there are still significant inequalities between women and men in the UK which are systemic in nature.   It is the first review of the state of UK gender relations for many years and gives the lie to the claim that gender equality has been achieved.


It found the following:


Resources: Women still earn and own much less than men and are more likely to be poor.  The gender pay gap remains at 19%, and since 2006 the UK has fallen from number 9 to number 26 in the World Economic Forum’s global ranking of countries. Twenty-seven per cent of women (compared to 16% of men) are paid less than the Living Wage. More than 70% of welfare cuts are directly affecting women.  Low and inadequate paternity pay prevents many fathers from playing a greater role in their children’s lives.


Attitudes: An incident of gender based violence and abuse is reported to the police every minute, largely perpetrated against women by men.  Seven women are killed every month by partners or ex partners. Bullying and harassment of girls and boys who don’t fit gender norms is still prevalent in our schools. Men are 20% less likely to seek help from their GP. Young people are facing unprecedented cultural and media pressures to ‘fit in’. We are seeing a major increase in eating disorders, particularly amongst young women who make up around 90% of reported sufferers.


Power: Decision making in the powerhouses of politics, business, the media and civil society organisations is still overwhelmingly dominated by white men. Only 29% of MPs are women, 5% of national newspaper editors and 8.6% of FTSE 100 Executive Directors. Men make up 73% of board members of charities with the largest assets. The way that resources are divided, and our attitudes around what is expected of women and men, mean that too often gender also limits individuals’ power and choices in their everyday lives.   ‘Unequal Nation’ is the first report from the Young Foundation’s Gender Futures initiative which is dedicated to harnessing social innovation to advance gender equality. It works with the public and private sectors and civil society to effect change. The Young Foundation has been instrumental in leading research, driving public debate, and implementing social innovation in the UK and abroad.   Read the full report   Read a summary of the report