News and Blogs > Invitation to tender: recruiting a Learning Partner for Barrow Cadbury Trust’s Economic Justice Programme
Economic JusticeNews - 10 Jul 2023
Invitation to tender: recruiting a Learning Partner for Barrow Cadbury Trust’s Economic Justice Programme
The Trust has recently undertaken a strategic review, with Trustees deciding that its Economic Justice work should be focussed on Birmingham, where the Trust has historic roots and where it is already undertaking place-based activity. Trustees further agreed that the programme should be co-created with local partners, and over the past year the Trust’s staff team and local Advisory Group have been developing ideas for the programme. We are currently working up several streams of work with the intention of creating a movement of people from across Birmingham who, in different ways, wish to influence how Birmingham’s economy is structured and managed to increase economic justice. The various relationships and strands that we are currently working on are illustrated in the tender.
Trustees anticipate a programme budget of approximately £500k p.a., though budgets are agreed annually so this may change. The current strategic period continues to March 2027. We wish to recruit a Learning Partner to work with us for the remainder of our current five year strategic period (to end March 2027), supporting us and our partners to learn from and help us iterate the programme as we go along, so it has maximum impact. Find out more.