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Hot TopicsNews - 25 Oct 2018

Making the case for racial equality

Despite the longstanding efforts of race equality advocates and activists, according to a new report by Runnymede and Voice for Change England, there is still a need to make the case for meaningful action for race equality.  The report ‘Making the Case for Racial Equality’ looks at how framing could be used to win support for race equality.  Framing involves clarifying what advocates want to achieve through their efforts; researching public thinking on a cause; and developing and testing messages to help move target audiences in a particular direction on an issue.

The impetus for more formal framing efforts by race equality advocates is based on a number of insights that are increasingly evident:

  1. Being morally right and having the facts on one’s side is not enough to gain support;
  2. Language and messaging matters, and can be significant in persuading audiences;
  3. Arguments and messages dearly held by activists may not be productive in making the case for a cause.

Find out more about the recommendations in the report for more effective advocacy for race equality.