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MigrationNews - 25 Mar 2016

Mixed picture on jobs, benefits and housing for EU Migrants says new research

A new briefing and analysis from think tank IPPR on free movement shows that the large majority of European migrants are in work, but are more likely than the general workforce to claim in-work benefits.

Based on IPPR’s research the briefing finds that:

  • Since the 2004 accession, EU migration flows have risen dramatically risen to over 100,000 a year
  • There are now more than 3 million EU-born migrants in the UK
  • EU Migrants are more likely to be in employment than other people working across the UK


  • Eastern European migrants mainly work in low skilled temporary roles, such as food processing and machinery operation
  • EU Migrants are more likely to claim tax credits and child benefit than UK nationals, but less likely to receive out-of-work benefits
  • EU Migrants are four times more likely to be living in overcrowded accommodation than others
  • EU Migrants on average are more qualified, with 59% of migrants having university or college qualifications, compared to 34% of British residents
  • British residents who were interviewed as part of the research raised major concerns about EU migrants’ access to welfare, pressures on public services, crime and personal security and wage undercutting


You can read the full report here