Economic JusticeNews - 13 Mar 2014
Resolution Foundation report calls for major reform of minimum wage
“More than a minimum: The review of the minimum wage” is the final report of the Resolution Foundation’s review of the future of the National Minimum Wage. The review has been worked on for the past nine months and explores whether the minimum wage and its supporting architecture could do more to tackle Britain’s pervasive problem of low pay.
The recommendations cover three areas, arguing for a broader, more far-sighted and assertive approach. Resolution Foundation recommends that the government make it an explicit long-term ambition of economic policy to reduce the incidence of low pay, setting out a plan to reduce the share of employees who earn below two-thirds of the hourly median wage. Second, they state the need to make the minimum wage more far-sighted. Third, they argue that a key role for the LPC should be to encourage a debate over when employers could go further than today’s statutory NMW.
The report can be downloaded here.