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Economic JusticeNews - 1 Oct 2018

Rethinking Economics and Economy call for a new professional public interest economics

Rethinking Economics and Economy have launched a report based on interviews with economics professionals across the Civil Service, finance and consultancy finding strong support for:

  • Increased communication between economists and non-economists.
  • Understandable economics communication – less jargon.
  • Increased diversity in the profession.
  • More pluralism in terms of applying different economic perspectives and tools to work.

Based on these findings the report calls for a new Professional Public Interest Economics which would see economics professionals actively rebuilding trust with the general public and redoubling efforts to address the economic challenges society faces. Professional Public Interest Economics would:

  • Be representative of a diverse society encompassing people from different genders, ethnicity and social classes.
  • Be applicable to real-world problems, using a broad range of theories and tools.
  • Be encouraging of outreach and education to give the broadest range of people access to economics education and career paths within the field.
  • Value high quality communication that promotes public understanding of and engagement with economics.

Read the full report