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Economic JusticeNews - 1 Mar 2018

Scope report reveals energy market challenges faced by disabled people

A Scope report released today reveals that many disabled people are forced to consume more energy because of their impairment or condition. Many disabled adults have worries about paying their energy bills, and many disabled households are living in fuel poverty.  The key findings of Out in the Cold are:

  • Over a third of disabled adults say that their impairment or condition has a significant impact on their energy costs
  • Over a quarter of households with a disabled person spend more than £1,500 a year on energy. Of these, 790,000 households spend over £2,500 a year on energy.
  • Over half (55 per cent) of disabled adults have worried about paying their energy bills
  • More than 900,000 households with a disabled person in England are living in fuel poverty

Whilst the Government this week published a Bill which would cap energy prices, further reform is needed to drive down the extra costs that many disabled people face for energy. Scope are calling on the Government, energy suppliers, and the market regulator, Ofgem, to develop a long-term plan to tackle the challenges experienced by disabled people in the energy market.