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Criminal JusticeNews - 2 Jul 2014

T2A welcomes Labour plans to extend youth justice system to age 21

Welcoming Sadiq Khan’s announcement that the Labour Party is committed to looking at extending the remit of the Youth Justice Board and Youth Offending Teams to cover 18-20 year olds, Joyce Moseley OBE, Chair of the Transition to Adulthood Alliance, said:


“T2A’s evidence shows that the transition to adulthood is a process not an event. Blowing out the candles on our 18th birthday cake doesn’t make us fully formed adults, or mean that we have reached full maturity. Nor does it mean that the interventions and services received as children are no longer needed or irrelevant.


While many government departments have started to recognise the distinct needs of young adults, the criminal justice system still bases its response on chronological age rather than the on a young person’s variable maturity and abilities.


18-24 year olds account for 10% of the population but they make up about a third of those dealt with by criminal justice services like the police, courts and probation.


They are the most likely group to be involved in crime, but with the right intervention, one that takes account of their maturity and their distinct needs, young adults are the most likely age group to turn their lives around and lead crime free lives.


T2A welcomes proposals that apply the lessons and successes of the youth justice system for young adults. We believe that extending the remit of the YJB and Youth Offending Teams would be one way to bring about a more effective approach for those who have turned 18 but are still in their transition to adulthood. With the right allocation of resource this would mean fewer victims of crime in the future, better outcomes for young people, and big savings to the tax payer.”