economic justice
As we arrive at the end of 2024, we are taking stock of Economic Justice Brum, supporting a growing movement in Birmingham, seeking to imagine, strategise and take action together, accelerating the pace of economic change in Birmingham. Economic Justice Brum is funded by Barrow Cadbury Trust.

Birmingham’s economy touches its citizens’ lives in dozens of ways each day. From access to safe, affordable housing, nourishing food, to good jobs, sustainable healthcare and other public infrastructures, economic change is possible on many fronts. The economy needs to transform to meet the needs of Birmingham’s communities — and we need strong relationships and a shared vision of the future to meet the scale of the challenge ahead of us.
Birmingham has experienced almost uninterrupted economic growth for the past 20 years. Economic output in Birmingham in 2022 stood at £35.4bn, making it the largest city economy in the UK outside of London. And yet it is a city with some of the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the country, some of the highest levels of unemployment nationally, plus a multitude of other significant indicators of economic inequality. It is clear to see that the problem underpinning Birmingham’s economic injustice is not an issue of needing to create more wealth, but rather an issue around the flow of wealth.
The economic story of the city needs to change, and change needs to happen with and for Birmingham citizens at the forefront. Economic Justice Brum (EJB), is supporting a growing movement of citizens, made up of community groups, civil society organisations, campaigners and communities impacted by economic injustice. We are connected by a shared commitment to economic justice, and we are joining together to support a shared vision to improve the lives of people in Birmingham.
Economic Justice Brum is a catalyst for realising economic justice, through creating a critical mass of knowledge and relationships and skills within our movement.

Supporting a movement for economic justice in Birmingham
In the process of building a movement, there are distinct phases. If we look through the lens of the Beautiful Trouble Movement Cycle, we might say we are in our uprising phase — there is an enduring crisis and we are witnessing a sea change in public opinion. Increasingly people are connecting the dots across unjust systems. And funders on the cutting edge of driving social change, such as Barrow Cadbury Trust, Thirty Percy and Joseph Rowntree Foundation are resourcing work that seeks to disrupt systems perpetuating this inequality.
For the past year and a half Economic Justice Brum has created a network that has been testing and iterating, experimenting and learning together through bi-monthly gatherings. As a group we have been examining economic systems and how they intersect with racial injustice, gender, climate, and therefore how they impact individuals and communities in different ways. We have been sharing wisdom, data, contacts and skills. We are building the mycelial network required for meaningful and lasting social change to take root and spread. Read our blog from the end of the pilot phase in May this year, to find out more.
People have come to our network through many routes: some work in the Council or Combined Authority, others are long-standing campaigners. Others were inspired by initiatives such as Shift Birmingham, the Poverty Truth Commission or Peer Researchers to use their own experience to create change for others.
Since May, we have been using NEON’s movement building framework, and their three approaches to social change, as the overarching structure holding the shape of each meeting. So far we have explored Personal Empowerment and Challenging Dominant Institutions, with topics and speakers spanning dreaming into an economy that is fit for purpose, extreme wealth and tax justice, co-operative building, campaigning for public assets to be kept in the hands of citizens, and much more.
We welcomed Elizabeth ‘Zeddie’ Lawal to the EJB facilitation team in July. Zeddie is an Associate of Huddlecraft (EJB’s facilitation partner) and co-founder of More Than a Moment, a createch agency and innovation lab with a mission to end civic, cultural and economic inequality in the 21st century. Alongside Anna, Zeddie has delivered sessions on the basics of economic principles, the colonial histories embedded in our economic stories and the beginnings of an EJB network manifesto. Zeddie brings creative flair, curiosity and a deep commitment to social change to the meetings and the movement.
“One of my key learnings is that culture alone cannot change the polycrisis that we exist in, economic inequality lays at the heart of the challenges that we are experiencing today. It is only by listening, radically, imagining and doing that we can transform the century that we exist in.”
Zeddie Lawal

The bi-monthly gatherings are the key network meeting point. And there are multiple strands of activity emerging and growing from the network that seek to broaden, deepen and spread social and economic systems change in Birmingham. The network has birthed the Huddles: seven purposeful, peer-led groups that are kicking off in January 2025. Ranging from child poverty to the creative economy to mutual aid to the rights of children and families experiencing the SEND system, there is a Huddle for everyone! Each Huddle seeks to develop a shared culture in which people understand that the economy is for everyone, and we all have a right to participate and input into the systems that impact us on a daily basis. Come along to our final open session in early January to find out more — sign up here. You can also read more about all 7 Huddles here. Registrations to participate closes on Monday 13th January.
Our next project is Participatory Systems Mapping, a method of creating a co-designed and shared visualisation of a system. Participants gather and feed data into a collective “map”, using a set of techniques and digital tools. The process identifies the places, people, services etc that influence any given system, and allows for the connections and relationships between these things to be made clearer. Naomi Bennett-Steele will be guiding a group of “gardeners” to build and tend to a map of Birmingham, in order for the movement to understand where and how the EJB movement might make the most impact in the city.
Looking ahead
Economic Justice Brum is constantly evolving, shaping and growing, and we understand that the landscape we find ourselves in is uncertain and complex. Over the last year and a half we have been preparing the foundations, strengthening the mycelium, collectively imagining the city we want to live in, creating visions for the movement and how we support it, articulating together what a thriving economy might look like for us in practice. The work is steady, the road is long, we need to stay resourced, healthy and rested. And, undoubtedly, there is a pressing and real urgency for change to happen, in practice. For alternatives to our broken economic systems to catch and disseminate.
In the coming months we will be shifting gears and focusing on building alternatives together, using the knowledge and skills gained to date. We will be learning from and connecting with local and global movements, organisations and changemakers and most importantly, building the prototype for Birmingham’s economic future.
In the New Year Economic Justice Brum will be:
- imagining, strategising and taking action on the experiments, initiatives and activities that we have been nurturing over the past year. Creating a participatory systems map, seeding peer-led learning and action huddles, building a movement manifesto, upskilling citizens, to name a few…
- cultivating the space for connections to take place. Platforming and amplifying where best practice is taking place and the economic alternatives already in motion.
- asking “how do we create a flow of accountability from point of design, to point of implementation — from prototype to practice?”
- intentionally and inclusively bringing the people whose voices need to be heard, into the conversation
- building a culture of collectivism, over individualism, with relationships at the heart of what we do. Giving hope and making space for connection, sharing and joy.
Economic injustice is alive and well in Birmingham, and it lives in everyone’s local and global story. Collectively, we are changing the narrative, by unlearning, undoing and holding ourselves and the city accountable to the future that we all deserve.
The next meeting is on Tuesday 28th January 2025. Email [email protected] to get involved.
If you are eager to meet, re-imagine and re-design our city in practice, we invite you all to attend the Beautiful Futures Summit 2025 on Friday 17th January from 10am—4pm. We are still looking for speakers so please email [email protected] if you are interested in playing a bigger role.
This blog was originally posted on Medium.
We have no vacancies at present.
This blog by Anna Garlands at Huddlecraft, was originally posted on Medium in May 2024.
In Spring 2023, Birmingham’s Economic Justice Action (EJA) Network was initiated, with the core aim of bringing folks in the city together to tackle the root causes of economic injustice. In its pilot phase, the Network organisers — Barrow Cadbury Trust, the EJA Advisory Group and Huddlecraft — gathered individuals from impacted communities, community and campaign groups, and civil society organisations to pull focus on the economic systems that perpetuate and amplify inequality in the city.

When we talk about the economy we are referring to complex and interdependent systems related to resources; money, buildings, land, food, energy, people’s time. The economy is about how these resources are used for different purposes, and how decisions about distribution of those resources are made.
The economy is for everyone. We are all part of the economy, and therefore we have a right to input into how it works. Furthermore, we should be able to challenge those in power on their economic choices and values.
“Now I feel a lot more clear on the link between the economy and justice. Seeing how it all interacts has been so helpful. These meetings have taken away some of the fear around the word economics.” Network member
The story so far
The Network meetings began in August 2023, and the Network membership has been steadily growing and gathering on a bi-monthly basis. The key objectives of the Network meetings have been to:
- connect with and relate to one another as learners and change-makers, reducing isolation and creating a sense of community in what are increasingly challenging times;
- learn about economic justice through various angles of approach, including gender equality, racial justice and alternative economic models;
- plot and showcase where positive momentum currently exists in Birmingham, and the organisations, projects and campaigns that are driving change;
- share opportunities to engage with local action, campaigns, training and events that seek to build a more economically just city.
“The training opportunities that have arisen through being here are amazing. The Network has given me confidence to have an opinion and a platform. I don’t come from an organisation, I’m just here and I feel valued in this space.” Network member
Over the course of eight months a total of 96 people have engaged with the Network, and we have gathered together six times.
Each meeting has adopted a lens with which to examine the different intersections of economic justice. We are grateful to the speakers who have presented research, reports and data related to the various lenses, workshopping key themes, and inviting the group to apply ideas and learning to the Birmingham context. Each meeting has felt unique in its own right, and yet there have been common threads woven throughout the series: the opportunity to meet with and learn alongside new and existing connections; the development of a shared definition of economic justice; and the plotting and synthesising of projects and people pushing for progress in the city and beyond.
“It’s not just about the work that we’re doing but actually how we connect with one another, because what we’ve got to build is an ecosystem. We’re not looking for one solution to this, we’re looking for thousands of different solutions that all fit together in a slightly imperfect way. Even here, we’ve got a critical mass of knowledge and relationships and skills that could be a tipping point, that’s the hopeful thing.” Network member

The pilot phase journey
We began our journey with two events — a Taster session and the Kick Off — inviting people living and working in Birmingham to join us to learn about economic systems, to input on what economic justice means to them and to share ideas on the areas or themes that could be focused on in the ongoing meetings. Read more about these events.
Session 1… As we journeyed beyond the Kick Off, we looked at economic justice through the first lens of Community Wealth Building. We heard from Conrad Parke from the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), who presented the potential of Community Wealth Building to re-model the economy in Birmingham. Read more about what happened in the session here.

Session 2… The lens shifted to racial justice and the economy in our next meeting. Asif Afridi from brap and Tanita Lewis from People’s Economy presented on this topic, shining a light on the capitalist economic system and its roots in and reliance on the subjugation, enslavement, colonisation and oppression of minoritised groups. Tanita and Asif proposed that anti-racism and reparations equate to racial and economic justice, and with that sentiment in mind we explored what it would take and what it would look like to build a truly anti-racist Birmingham. The importance of holding city leaders and their anti-racist credentials to account emerged as a clear need, amongst others.
We moved from surfacing the learning around this crucial intersection of economic justice, to a dynamic workshop on Movement Ecology, delivered by NEON. NEON offers training for campaigners, organisers, communications and operations teams working across social movements, and their session with us examined the alchemy and ingredients of movement building. NEON presented their three approaches to social change:
- Personal empowerment: empowering, developing and healing individuals, so that we can move towards a more holistic and compassionate society that will in turn create the foundations for wider systemic change.
- Building alternatives: alternative institutions and cultures creating change by experimenting with alternative ways of doing and being in the world.
- Challenging dominant institutions: challenging governments and corporations so we can change life more significantly and for more people than by other means.
The group split up to represent these three approaches, expanding on the merits of each, and driving home the point that we need people attending to all three areas in order to enable effective movement building.
“There is a real sense of how there is absolutely a role for every single person in every single experience and single way of working to change these systemic realities that we all try to survive within, because this economic system just fundamentally isn’t fit for people or planet.” Network member

Session 3… The next meeting adopted the lens of gender inequality and economic justice. We were joined by Mary-Ann Stephenson from the Women’s Budget Group, who offered compelling data that opened our eyes to the glaring economic disparity between genders.
The data shared by the Women’s Budget Group was complemented by a session with Emma Marks from The Equality Trust, and specifically the Community Reporting project. Community Reporting is a storytelling movement that supports people to tell their own stories, in their own ways and, furthermore, to weave these stories together to create a shared tapestry of care and community. We heard from Community Reporters who are trained to gather the stories of people living on the hard edge of economic injustice, and we tried using some of the tools and methods ourselves. At the end of the session we were treated to a moving performance from the Choir with No Name, a national initiative bringing people affected by homelessness together to sing and connect.

Session 4… In our final session of the pilot phase we were joined by Kavita Purohit, who shared the work that CIVIC SQUARE have been doing in Birmingham around demonstrating alternative economic systems. Kavita deftly explained that this demonstration is a critical part of the story when we are looking to influence emerging economic strategy. Economic systems are in obvious decline and when they fail, we will need alternatives to come into play. This is the work that CIVIC SQUARE is driving forward in Birmingham and beyond, with mutual care and community at the core.
In the latter part of the meeting we took some time to evaluate the journey of the Network in its pilot phase, asking the group how the space has impacted them, what they would like to see more and less of, and the actions that have arisen for them personally, as a result of attending the Network. Some feedback from our Network members can be found below.
- “I’ve appreciated the different themes in each meeting, I’ve learnt so much each time. Sometimes I come into the meetings thinking ‘I’m not sure how this fits with what I do’, but there is always so much to explore. It has really shifted my thinking.”
- “There aren’t many spaces in Birmingham where people can come together and have a shared value system. Everyone here is passionate about justice.”
- What has emerged is opportunity. Opportunity to implement change and have a positive impact in Birmingham as a collective unit. I have been to two sessions and I can see how it could all come together. I can see the vision.”

What does the future hold?
We understand that these spaces for community, learning and action are desperately needed in these times, and so we will continue to meet, building the movement towards a more economically just Birmingham.
We have seen impressive turnouts at each meeting, with a steady growth of interest and engagement. Feedback from members shows that people feel empowered by the knowledge they have gained in the meetings, and that a crucial sense of belonging has been cultivated through the development of strong relationships.
Many questions have emerged through the pilot phase, and we are holding the following enquiries (and more!) with curiosity as we move forward…
- Who is missing from the conversation, and how do we engage a Network that is representative of the city?
- How can we influence change outside of the Network space?
- How do we build a truly co-developed and co-led Network?
- Where are the gaps in our knowledge about the economic systems that we live within, and who can help us to plug those gaps?
- What alternative economic models do we want to learn about and test within Birmingham and beyond?
Email [email protected] to receive details and registration instructions. We look forward to welcoming you.
Barrow Cadbury Trust is very pleased to announce the appointment of Anna Fielding as the Learning Partner for our Economic Justice programme. Anna is a strategist, researcher and facilitator, with a specialism in economic systems change.

She has 20 years’ experience of working for social, environmental and economic justice, across civil society, purpose-driven business, philanthropy and academia, and she has played an important role in the UK’s new economics sector for over a decade.
Anna has specialist training in evaluation and learning for complex systems change, which she combines with a commitment to equitable evaluation, participatory research methods, and critical pedagogy. She has designed and facilitated learning programmes for small and large non-profit organisations, social innovation initiatives and public sector partnerships, and she coaches individuals and teams to embed impact planning and assessment in their work. We are very pleased that she will be bringing all these skills to bear as we develop and deliver our economic justice work.
The Trust’s Economic Justice programme work is now focussed on Birmingham where the Trust has historic roots and where were already involved in place-based activity. The programme is being co-created with local Birmingham partners. Our intention is, over time, to create a movement of people from across Birmingham who, in different ways, wish to influence how Birmingham’s economy is structured and managed to increase economic justice.We have recruited Huddlecraft as a facilitator of a growing action network and are in the process of recruiting a learning partner.
We are now looking to recruit a Communications Partner to work with us for the remainder of our current five-year strategic period (to end March 2027) to support participation and engagement, and share learning from the programme.
The programme is at an early stage but we have identified the need for a dedicated website and a communications strategy and plan detailing how to keep participants and others informed about and engaged with the work.
Communications Partner connection to Birmingham
We consider that an understanding of Birmingham and local connections is essential to the delivery of the brief. In addition, we want wherever possible for our programme spend to benefit Birmingham’s economy. We will therefore only consider applications from individuals or organisations based in Birmingham or the very immediate surrounds.
Application deadline: 17.00 on Monday 30 October
Shortlisting Monday 6 November
Interviews: Wednesday 15 November in Birmingham
Find out more about the Economic Justice programme and the Communications Partner role.
Individuals and communities in Birmingham are coalescing around the theme of economic justice and seeking to build a local economy that truly serves the people says Anna Garlands of Huddlecraft – the Network’s facilitator – in this cross-posted blog.
As summer drew to a close this year, a group of bold and curious individuals came together in a room in Birmingham to participate in a “Kick Off” session for the Economic Justice Action Network. This Network, initiated and curated by Barrow Cadbury Trust and facilitated by Huddlecraft, seeks to tackle the root causes of economic injustice in Birmingham and beyond, pulling focus on the systems that perpetuate and amplify inequality within the city. The room was packed out with folks with varying associations with the theme of economic justice, all eager for meaningful change, all ready for action and all keen to learn more about how the Action Network could facilitate the systemic shifts we want and need to see.
When we talk about economic justice within this space, we are referring to a sense of economic fairness. Everyone having enough money to live. Everyone having access to the essentials of life: clean air, good public services, suitable housing, positive health care experiences, access to green spaces and, ultimately, equal life chances. Economic justice is about changing our social and economic structures so that people aren’t disadvantaged by their position in society, for example gender, ethnicity, class or disability. Economic justice is ensuring that the decisions that are made by those with power and the money that is generated in Birmingham, benefit everyone, not just those with power. It is about protecting the environment for future generations and it is halting the trend of the growing gap between rich and poor.
The Action Network has emerged because we recognise that the way Birmingham’s economy is structured does not deliver economic justice. There are areas of persistent poverty, wide disparities between the most and least affluent sections of the population and, as in other areas, structural racism, sexism and other–isms prevent many people attaining a decent standard of living and others being ill-rewarded for the work they do. Statutory agencies recognise the long-standing problems of economic exclusion and their strategies reflect a desire for change. However, things are not moving far or fast enough, and new solutions are needed.
Because we are all part of the economy, we should have a say in how it works and be able to challenge those in power on their economic choices and values. But what do we actually mean when we talk about ‘the economy’?
In his presentation at the Kick Off event, Joe Earle from People’s Economy shared that the economy is a relatively modern invention. It gives value to items that fit into the gross domestic product (GDP) framework — a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period by a country or countries. Within this GDP framework, much essential work is ignored, for example unpaid care work, key workers and ‘low skilled’ workers. GDP also fails to provide a good measure of health, wellbeing or justice. It is crucial that we broaden our view and consider the economy as a system. It is about resources; money, buildings, land, food, energy, people’s time, it is about how they are used for different purposes, and how decisions about distribution of those resources are made.
It is also crucial for us to consider interconnected economic systems at different scales. How and where is the Birmingham economy impacted by broader UK economic systems? How do global economic systems affect the UK? We need to understand and examine how Birmingham’s economic system is shaped by government and corporate decisions, as well as by cultures and behaviours formed and developed outside of the city.
Birmingham’s economic system is like an iceberg. The unjust outcomes are visible but much of how the system operates and the conditions that uphold it, are hidden below the surface. In order to create the change we want to see, we first need to understand the system to explain why the system operates in a particular way and then develop interventions which can bring about change.
When thinking about the entrenched power and ideas which uphold Birmingham’s economic system, working for change can feel like a daunting and unlikely prospect. The good news is that systems are not static, they are changing all the time, and there are already many people doing important work to change our economic systems in all sorts of ways. We want to amplify and build upon this work.
The Action Network is a place for alliance-building, learning, developing ideas for change and action.
The Action Network is folk coming together to build a shared, working understanding of the economy - learning about how the current system perpetuates inequality; how adopting an intersectionality lens can widen our approach; how alternative economic models and systems can be imagined and implemented in Birmingham. The Action Network is people coming together to dissect, examine and map out the existing economic landscape in the city, identifying and engaging levers of change. The Action Network is seeding and cultivating an interconnected web of citizens, grassroots activists, change-makers and disruptors from across the city, all sharing a common view that change is possible and the need is urgent.
We recognise that no single sector - the public sector, private business or civil society – can change things alone, but that we need to work together, harnessing the ideas, experience and energy of individuals and organisations to make Birmingham a city that works for everyone.
The Action Network is open to anyone with an interest in making our economy work better for local people. What you will have in common is:
- a willingness to have conversations and work with a variety of people who you otherwise may never encounter;
- an energy and excitement for learning about the economy and how we can imagine design fairer, regenerative and distributive economic systems;
- an appetite for action and creating change within the spheres you are affiliated with;
- the ability to attend Action Network meetings every other month, where possible.
We have been delighted to see so many people from a broad range of sectors and backgrounds attend the Taster event (July) and the Kick Off meeting (August). There is clearly an appetite for spaces to connect, learn and explore these issues and we will be welcoming new members throughout the coming six months.
The next meeting will be taking place on Wednesday 4 October and we would be delighted to see you there. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Please sign up via this link if you would like to join.
The second ‘State of Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country’, authored by the New Policy Institute and supported by the Trust, revisits themes and data from the first report, whilst incorporating current concerns and interests of local stakeholders.
The majority of data analysis took place pre COVID-19, but figures which were already worrying took on increased weightiness in the context of the pandemic. Over recent years, levels of deprivation across Birmingham and the Black Country have, at least in relative terms, worsened, with some populations faring much worse than others.
The deep and chronic disadvantage described in the report can, however, be alleviated if those with their hands on the economic levers – regional and local authorities, local enterprise partnerships and large employers – explicitly address the question of how economic benefits are distributed.
According to Sara Llewellin, CEO at Barrow Cadbury Trust:
“Many people were already struggling to manage on low incomes, but job loss, reduced savings and high unemployment, mean that many who just about got by before will now find themselves in need in a way they never imagined.
Challenges will be deeper and local authorities, statutory bodies, private business, social enterprise, faith groups and the voluntary sector across Birmingham and the Black Country will have to be creative and collaborative in ways never seen before. There are enormous challenges ahead and we hope this report provides evidence to assist action, target resources and attract additional attention to the region from a range of audiences. We are well aware both of the challenges facing stakeholders in Birmingham and the Black Country, but also the assets and wonderful work that is already being delivered by so many of those we know and respect”.
A new report by the New Policy Institute (NPI) and Barrow Cadbury Trust ‘The State of Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country’ paints a fresh narrative and analysis of data on the population of Birmingham and the Black Country, focusing on household resources, employment, skills and wages, levels of deprivation and housing and homelessness.
Like many other local authorities, Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton have struggled in a period of cuts. These budget cuts have affected the delivery of services and child poverty has risen. Working-age poverty rates have risen as well as in-work poverty – 33% of households in Birmingham and the Black Country are classed as ‘mixed’, with only one employed adult. And the level of working age residents aged over 25 in Birmingham (50 %) and the Black Country (58%) with low skills, militate against increasing labour productivity.
Peter Kenway, one of the report’s authors and NPI’s Director said: “Birmingham and the Black Country face problems around employment, deprivation and housing as bad as anywhere in England. Central government policies, for example on social security and local government funding, deepen these problems and hamper locally-led responses. Big inequalities within the West Midlands, notably between the weakness of the Black Country economy and the economic strength of Coventry and Solihull, should be a top priority for the elected Mayor”.
Whilst it’s hard to ignore the massive gaps between this region and other parts of the country such as the South East and Manchester, the information in this report will help local authority leaders and private, voluntary sector and social enterprise partners to better understand the gaps and where to focus energy and resources.
Opportunities presented by HS2, the 2022 Commonwealth Games and other enterprises and business – many relocating from the South – will bring economic growth and prosperity to the region but, the authors of the report argue, should be forged through a lens of fairer and more inclusive economic growth. This is already in the hearts and minds of city leaders – the Inclusive Growth Unit within the West Midlands Combined Authority offers opportunity for co-operation and partnership around skills development, industrial growth and employment matched to areas of need.
Read a summary of the report.
Read the full report.
Angela Clements blogs about how ethical credit alternatives such as Fair for You will benefit not just those on low incomes, but everyone
I have lived and worked in Birmingham all my adult life, the last 10 years almost exclusively providing affordable credit as an alternative to high cost credit, firstly running a credit union and then Fair for You.
It’s a generalisation but on the whole our customers are women, in lower income households, with some caring obligation and in part-time work. ‘Managing mums’ is a term that has been coined in recent months. I would say these women are sassy, switched on, entrepreneurial, hard working, and not really managing very well at all. Or at least they are until something goes wrong when they need access to fair, affordable and well- designed credit.
I have sat in rooms over the last 10 years, hearing my customers talk about the need for financial education, budgeting and debt advice. I felt strongly throughout those years that they need better alternatives to the credit options that are currently available.
In 2014, a group of us spent hours listening to mums of younger children in Northfield, Birmingham tell us very frankly and openly about their experience with high cost credit. I went in there thinking I knew what Fair for You would look like, and I came out knowing what it had to look like.
Some amazing people and organisations have backed our work over the last three years, but we never lost sight of what we were told, and we delivered what those people needed.
High cost credit isn’t just expensive – all versions of high cost credit have that in common. But the other common trait is that it is designed for the benefit of the lender, and to take maximum extraction from the customers’ financial household.
The term the ‘poverty premium’ is used to describe the additional costs low income households – in other words those who have less consumer power – have when purchasing essential goods and services. Whilst the amount of that premium fluctuates in various situations, it is always consistent that the lion’s share is made up of high cost credit i.e. the additional cost of using credit when faced with emergencies. And the same households need credit when hit by emergencies, as they have less insulation and resilience to what to other people would be relatively minor emergencies. There seems little point in measures to address poverty in the UK, without removing the poverty premium.
On 22 March we release the third social impact report relating to the work of Fair for You, a national challenger to high cost credit that directly responds to all of the needs we identified in our research. Now I don’t just have the voices of the mums who came to all of the sessions we ran, I have thousands of voices of customers whose financial situation has been changed because they have access to an alternative. They prove every day, that they don’t need education and advice, they need better alternatives.
Fair for You is on line, available seven days a week, customer focused and a modern solution that uses multi-media communications including social media. Put simply, credit delivered with dignity and respect, designed to meet the lives of mums – and anyone else – who juggles, struggles and are not really managing at all.
And our customers love it – we are so proud to be rated among the highest financial services in the UK according to Trustpilot.
Please check us out and if you can support our work and our drive to change the way we lend to lower income households, then we would love to talk to you.
Angela Clements is the CEO of Fair for You
Read Centre for Responsible Credit’s Social Impact Report
The Women’s Budget Group (WBG) is an independent, not-for-profit think tank that has scrutinised the gender impact of social and economic policy decisions of successive governments for more than two decades. In response to the 2017 Budget, on Social Care Women’s Budget Group welcomed the announcement of an additional £2bn for social care over three years but said it is not enough, with the funding gap estimated to reach £2.8bn and £3.5bn annually by the end of the Parliament.
“The social care crisis hits women hardest. Not only are the majority of paid and unpaid carers women, but the majority of those with care needs are women too. While Hammond focused on older people blocking beds in the NHS, we know that there are around 1.86 million people over the age of 50 with unmet care needs, the majority of whom are women.
“Tackling this requires more funding than was announced today and a new approach. We look forward to Government’s Green Paper later in the year for further details on its proposed strategic approach for addressing this crisis.”
According to WBG the announcement of “the additional £20 million for domestic violence services for the next two years, while welcome, is insufficient compared to the scale of the problem. Sexual violence services are excluded from this additional funding, even though we know that these services are severely stretched. It costs £70m annually to run Rape Crisis England and Wales and they currently have a £10m budget shortfall, yet will not see any of this additional money.
“The Chancellor also announced £5m for women returning to work and £5m for celebrations to mark the centenary in 2018 of women gaining the vote. This will make no difference to the daily lives of ordinary women that have lost the most, and gained the least, from changes to taxes and benefits. We know that women in the poorest 20% of households by 2020/21 will be losing £1,600 a year on average as a result of changes to taxes and benefits since 2010.
On the National Insurance rise for self-employment WBG said: “The Chancellor’s announcement on the treatment of employees and the self-employed is welcome. In particular we welcome the move to equalise parental rights for the self-employed. However, by focusing on the contributions paid by the self-employed, these measures do little to disincentivise employers from pushing individuals into bogus self-employment. We urge the Chancellor and government to look at this as a matter of urgency as it particularly affects women, who are also then denied access to the protections of employees.
And on the failure to carry out a robust Equality Impact analysis: “The Chancellor and Treasury have again failed to undertake a robust equality impact assessment of the Budget, despite their obligations under the Equality Act and calls for the Women and Equalities Select Committee to improve its reporting of equality impact. Without such an assessment, the government cannot fully understand the impact of its decisions on different groups, including impact, or how to minimise unintended negative impacts.
The Women’s Budget Group has published an independent distributional impact assessment by income, gender, and ethnicity in collaboration with Runnymede as well as a report on the gender impact assessment of the Spring Budget 2017.