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Today, Thursday 29 December, sees the launch of the Institute of Fundraising report on diversity within the fundraising profession.


Who’s doing the asking? finds that the fundraising workforce is less diverse than that of the voluntary sector as a whole. Survey data from nearly 1,500 Institute of Fundraising members found that 87 per cent of fundraisers are white, 50% were under the age of 40 and five per cent describe themselves as having a disability.


The survey found more women than men working as fundraisers, but women were less likely to be in managerial roles; 39% of male respondents were working in senior management or similar roles compared to 31% of women. Women were also more likely than men to be in part-time roles.


Seven per cent of respondent to the survey identified themselves as coming from a Black, Asian, or from mixed ethnicity. This percentage is lower than that of the sector as a whole with ten per cent identifying themselves as BAME on the Voluntary Sector Workforce Almanac.


The report identifies a number of recommendations for where the diversity of the sector could be improved; highlighting problems such as the bias toward senior men in management roles. These recommendations include establishing a diversity in fundraising group, and reducing barriers to job entry and career progression.


Read the full report here.