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A new report ‘Fear and Hope 2016’ from Hope not Hate has been published looking at how England has changed over the last five years, exploring the cultural divides in today’s society.


‘Fear and Hope 2016’ aims to understand how adults across England look at race, religion and identity in modern society, exploring how attitudes amongst different demographics compare.  It also builds upon views and opinions generated from the 2011 ‘Fear and Hope’ report.


Over 4,000 people  aged 18 and over were surveyed by online community organisation Populus, taking into account people’s age, gender, social grade and ethnicity.  Based on the survey findings the report found that:


  • England is a more tolerant and confident multicultural society than five years ago
  • Attitudes towards race, immigration and migration are more positive, due mainly to growing optimism about the economy
  • Almost a third of people surveyed were very positive towards England’s multicultural society (compared to 24% five years ago)
  • The proportion of people who are strongly hostile to immigration and living in a multicultural society has dropped to 8% (compared with 13% five years ago)
  • Immigration attitudes have become more flexible and welcoming, despite record levels of net migration
  • People support the celebration of diversity and making minorities feel welcome, but they oppose the alteration of British laws to accommodate practices and beliefs
  • Muslims are regarded as a uniquely different religious minority, with 43% of English respondents saying they feel Muslims are “completely different to them”
  • There is a growing separation between those who follow a faith and those who don’t. Those who don’t, represent a much higher number than five years ago.


You can read the full report here.