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Hot TopicsNews - 10 Jul 2014

The Human Dignity Trust wins appeal for charitable status

The Human Dignity Trust has won its appeal for charitable status and its registration as a charity has been ordered.


The judgment of the Charity Tribunal recognises that the criminalisation of LGBTI people is a grave and serious human rights violation.


Jonathan Cooper, Chief Executive of the Human Dignity Trust, said: “This is a very important judgment. The promotion and protection of human rights has been upheld and the criminalisation of gay men and lesbians has been recognised for what it is, a grave human rights violation. The tribunal has given a thoughtful and reasoned decision and they have upheld all of our arguments. It is a huge relief that we can put this behind us. We can now get on with our work supporting those extraordinary and brave gay men and lesbians who bring legal challenges to end this persecution.”


Assuming the Charity Commission does not appeal, the HDT can now get on with its work supporting the gay men and lesbians who bring legal challenges to end this persecution.


They are very grateful to everyone who has supported them during this process.


The decision is available at: