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Hot TopicsNews - 23 May 2016

#turnup campaign motivates young people to vote in the EU referendum

HOPE not hate is joining forces with Bite the Ballot to register, inform and turn out young people for the EU referendum in five week’s time when the UK will go to the polls to decide whether it should remain in the European Union or leave.  The two organisations believe it could be the most important vote of our generation and they are campaigning to make sure that as many people vote as possible.


But a new YouGov survey of 18-30 year olds, commissioned  by HOPE not hate, found that only 51% of young people say that they are certain to vote. Many are not engaged with the current EU debate, don’t know what to believe and view it as “two groups of old white men shouting at each other”.


According to the #TurnUp campaign only 10% of young people trust our politicians, just 13% trust the media and 16% trust big business leaders.  Sign up to get involved


The #TurnUp campaign has set itself an ambitious target of registering 500,000 young people by the 7 June deadline. Additionally, it also wants to engage with millions more young people, both to offer neutral facts about the EU and to encourage them to vote.


The #TurnUp campaign will be going to universities, FE colleges, local neighbourhoods and faith communities. It is hoped it will be a truly massive campaign.


Whether it’s hosting a voter registration event in your area, joining a local event, sharing a message on Facebook and Twitter or even writing a letter to your local paper, there will be something for everyone to do.


Young people need to have a voice in this vote.  Please join HOPE not hate and Bite the Ballot in what could be the biggest voter registration drive in British history.