MigrationNews - 3 Feb 2017
What can trusts and foundations do to create a more inclusive Europe?
Ariadne, a European peer-to-peer network of more than 500 funders and philanthropists who support social change and human rights, has launched a report on the role of funding foundations in responding to the refugee crisis in Europe. Seeking an Inclusive Europe: Foundation Grantmaking for Countering Ethnic and Religious Bias and Xenophobia is the first-ever study of the philanthropic community’s response to Europe’s ongoing migration and refugee crisis.
The report is intended to help foundations who are active in addressing bias and promoting social change and rights in Europe to understand their priorities in the context of a larger funder community.
For foundations in the sector that want to become more active, the report offers a number of ways for funders to act including;
- Supporting the integration and inclusion of ethnic and religious migrants.
- Ensuring racial and religious minorities, migrants and refugees can take part in civic and political institutions.
- Providing support for intergroup relations, including opportunities for marginalised groups to engage in intercultural dialogue and sharing with mainstream populations
The report was written by Steven Lawrence, Senior Research Affiliate, TCC Group and supported by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and Open Society Foundations.