Creating developmentally appropriate responses to young adults at risk of, or involved in, offending
This briefing aims to help Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) to tackle the trauma, poverty and racism that drive the revolving door of crisis and crime and develop ways to support young adults away from the criminal justice system.
There is an opportunity for PCCs to communicate their priorities and highlight the approaches they will take to recognise that young adults require a distinct approach to ensure that services respond appropriately to their developmental status.
This briefing seeks to assist PCCs to include evidence-led priorities focused on young adults in their Policing and Crime Plans to facilitate the prevention and reduction of crime. Plans should support young adults to develop and provide the best platform to support them in their shift to creating positive adult identities and crime free futures.
Published in July 2021 by New Generation Campaigners with the Revolving Door Agency for the Transitions to Adulthood Alliance.