Kimberly Garande
Kimberly Garande

Kimberly joined the Trust board in February 2024. She is the Youth Voice Advisor at The Westminster Foundation and a member of the Involving Young People Collective (IYPC) consultants to the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation. Her experience stems from community organising, influencing and campaigning over 4 years in the migration sector, where she led the Let Us Learn project at We Belong.
She has held posts on Mind’s Lived Experience Advisory Board, the Ubele Initiative’s Emerging Young Leaders Collective (YELC) and sits on the Sheila McKechnie Foundation board as Vice Chair. She is an associate at Hudl Youth Development Agency and currently leads youth facilitation for BBC Children in Need’s Million & Me programme.
Kimberly says: ‘By joining Barrow Cadbury Trust I hope my commitment to sustainable social action and my diverse experiences will contribute to transformative systemic change in governance’.