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Economic JusticeNews - 24 Sep 2013

Runnymede Trust launches campaign to end racism this generation

The Runnymede Trust, an independent race equality think tank which works to build a successful multi-ethnic Britain, has launched a new campaign to ‘End Racism This Generation’.
Sadly, even in the UK in 2013, the ethnic group which you are born into still has a significant impact on your life chances. This Runnymede campaign calls on individuals and organisations across society to pledge actions which will help to eliminate racism. In undertaking to make changes to help design structural racism out of society, workplaces, communities and individuals can all play a part in finally bringing the evil of racial inequality to an end.
The Barrow Cadbury Trust is proud to be a partner in the campaign, and has made a series of specific pledges, which can be viewed here.
You can see the End Racism site here, visit the Facebook page here and follow the campaign on Twitter at @EndRacismUK or with the hashtag #EndRacism. You can also read an exclusive post by Runnymede Director Rob Berkley on the Trust’s Voices blog here.