Voices blogs
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Join us to imagine, strategise and build an economically just Birmingham, together.
Evaluating the Newham youth to adulthood (Y2A) probation Hub – making the case for specialist services for young adults
The process evaluation of the Newham youth to adulthood hub recommends this model, based on T2A evidence of what works for young adults.
A lifeline for Travellers in prison
Conn Mac Gabhann, Manager of the Traveller Project at the Irish Chaplaincy in Britain, explains why they are reaching out…
Supporting undocumented migrants in a hostile environment
Dave Stamp of Birmingham-based ASIRT, an OISC registered advocacy organisation working to support undocumented migrants in the West Midlands, shares…
Birmingham feels the pinch
Martin Holcombe, Chief Executive of Birmingham Settlement, gives his personal take on welfare reform, housing, and the perfect storm currently…
Working with migrants and refugees in the Black Country – Part 3
In our final l post work of the Refugee and Migrant Centre (RMC) in Wolverhampton, we look at some of…
Cross-Post: The NHS saved my life
In a cross-post from British Future marking the 65th anniversary of the foundation of the National Health Service, Douglas Jefferson…
Working with migrants and refugees in the Black Country – Part 2
For the second of our series of short case studies from the Refugee and Migrant Centre (RMC) in Wolverhampton, we…
The Spending Review and the Voluntary Sector
Sapphire Mason-Brown, Communications and Programmes Intern at the Barrow Cadbury Trust, considers the potential implications of the Chancellor’s spending review…
Getting community economic development out of its box
Karen Leach of Localise West Midlands, which promotes a localised approach to supply chains, money flow, ownership and decision-making for…
The Fermanagh Trust
A highlight of the recent publication of the Barrow Cadbury Trust’s official history was the chance to catch up with…
Working with migrants & refugees in the Black Country
In this, the first of a series of short case studies from the Refugee and Migrant Centre (RMC) in Wolverhampton,…
“It gives prisoners a sense of self-respect”
The Koestler Trust is the UK’s best-known prison arts charity and has been awarding, exhibiting and selling artworks by offenders,…
Populism and the party of the future
Policy Network deputy director, Michael McTernan, examines how we should respond to the rise of populism across Europe. Populism…
An ethical and economic case
Equality and the taxpayer stand to benefit from the further spread of the living wage, argues Barrow Cadbury Trust Communications…
Birmingham’s path to becoming a City of Sanctuary
Great oaks grow from little acorns says Dennis Minnis, who traces the development of Birmingham's campaign to become a City…
Canada redux
In May 2011 the Barrow Cadbury Fund invited Michael Mendelson to speak at a number of events throughout the UK.…