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Economic JusticeNews - 6 Aug 2018

Can you help Fair by Design to end the extra costs of being poor?

Fair By Design wants to embed lived experience of the impact of the poverty premium in both its campaign and venture fund. It is now looking for a partner organisation to facilitate ‘Experts by Experience’ participation in Fair by Design to help it tackle the poverty premium.  This will be a one-year grant initially of up to £40k, with the possibility of extension to two or three years.  The work is most likely to suit charities or social enterprises.

Fair by Design wants to work with an organisation that can help it to:

  • Draw together and effectively engage with a diverse group of experts by experience, providing us with the opportunity to embed their experiences in both the work of the Campaign and  the Venture Fund.
  • Create a network of Campaign Ambassadors from this group, equipped and skilled to work alongside the Campaign team to share their stories with a range of audiences, work with the Campaign on media activities and feed omtp our social media activity.
  • Create a monthly focus group that the Venture Fund can use as an opportunity to seek input and feedback on potential investments, informing the decision making of our Investment Committee and providing feedback to our entrepreneurs on their products’ design and services.
  • Provide an opportunity for these experts by experience to flag up instances of the poverty premium as they occur in their everyday lives.
  • Ensure that the language we use is always the most appropriate, avoiding ‘othering’, stigmatising and making broad-brush assumptions.
  • Ensure that the experts by experience we engage with come from as wide a variety of backgrounds, incomes, employment status and areas of the country etc. as possible and that this group includes those who are harder to reach for a variety of reasons, including a range of vulnerabilities.
  • Recognise that, currently, there is a difference in how we value the contributions of technical experts and experts by experience and help us to integrate the two.
  • Demonstrate that we value our experts by taking them seriously and constantly acknowledging the importance of their contribution.
  • Value and reward the contribution of our experts by experience in tangible terms, recognising that there are a number of different ways of doing this, not all of which are financial.

Find out more about applying.

Submissions by midnight Sunday 16 September.